Notes On Synchrony - A Conversation

As part of the Moving Futures Festival online program this year, we revisit Notes On Synchrony - our project from 2019. Yoni Collier will be a part of the conversation taking place on Saturday April 24. More details below:
What happens when artists and scientists work together? To answer this question, the Notes on Synchrony team of 12 artists and scientists used EEG technology, dance, poetry and music to explore the nature of human connection.
During the 2019 Moving Futures Festival, connections were explored between performer, audience and dancers, as well as between physical movement and mental states; science and mythology; words, music, movement and the human brain. Observations were noted by brain scientists, poets and the audience.
In this online interactive zooming session, the team will address the following questions; What were they planning? What happened? And what did they find out?
Follow online, via Zoom, click here for the link Saturday 24 April, 16.00 uur Free