Walk the Taman Tugu forest trails; a reclaimed jungle in the centre of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The sonic world of the jungle will be at turns merged with, augmented, and disrupted by electronic sounds that were created from field recordings gathered in Taman Tugu park itself.
Real-world and recorded sounds will combine to create an immersive musical experience. Deep within the park, the sounds of the city will die away completely and the sounds of nature take centre-stage. At the edges of the park, where the skyline of Kuala Lumpur becomes visible, the sounds of the city encroach on the sounds of nature.
This is a unique location – a reclaimed green space teeming with wildlife, in the centre of a modern metropolis. ‘Taman Tugu: Interference/Resistance‘ is a location-specific meditation on the fight to preserve these kinds of spaces in an increasingly urbanised world.
The piece is performed using your Smartphone and the Echoes app which can be downloaded for free:
Taman tugu: interference/
on malaysian news
This video explains why Taman Tugu is such an excellent location for a piece of this nature, and demonstrates my production process.
Take a look at how I capture field recordings, then manipulate them in the studio, before mapping them back onto the landscape using the echoes app.

You can listen to 'Taman Tugu: Interference / Resistance' on regular headphones. I recommend not using noise-cancelation as part of the experience is to hear the real world sounds alongside the recorded sound. For the ultimate experience, you can use Bose Frames (pictured). These sunglasses contain speakers, allowing you to hear the recorded sound without blocking your ears to the wonderful sounds of the jungle! I will be running some performances of the piece at which you can try them out.

where to walk
'Taman Tugu: Interference / Resistance' does not have any set route. Walk in any direction you like, explore the primary and secondary trails of the park. The music will respond to where you are.
The park itself is very well signposted and there are plenty of maps along the trails so it is easy to find your way around.